New York - here I come!

Nu har jag äntligen fått min flygbiljett så på måndag klockan 10:55 gör jag ett nytt försök.

Idag har jag hunnit läsa igenom The Au Pair Handbook som jag fick hem för längesedan. Där kunde jag bland annat få lite personal safety tips:

When driving:
Always keep the doors locked. If you are lost, try to find a busy area to stop and ask for directions. Do not stop to assist motorists stranded on the side of the road. If you find yourself stranded in your car, put the hood of the car up to indicate that you are having engine trouble, and then remain inside the car with the door locked. Wait for the police to come to help you.
When walking:
If you are walking home late at night, keep your keys ready so you can get into the house quickly, if necessary. Walk confidently and always trust your instinct. Avoid talking on your mobile phone to remain alert to your surroundings.

Nu känner jag mig trygg.


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